BBC Bias campaign

Please sign up to the new campaign against BBC anti-Israel bias

The latest Israel Britain Alliance campaign, which we are supporting, is about BBC bias against Israel.

The BBC has a legal obligation to provide impartial news. In addition, its public purposes demand that it provides ‘information to help people understand and engage with the world around them’.
When it comes to Israel it often fails to do this. For example, coverage of the frequent rocket attacks that Israel faces from its southern border, during the two-year period up to August 2018.
The BBC reported that rockets had been fired into Israel on eight occasions. On just one occasion did the BBC correctly reference the chronology of events on the ground. In seven other reports the news item led with the Israeli military response, rather than the correct sequence of events, giving the impression to the audience that Israel had instigated the attacks.
Why is this important?
Because it doesn’t give the audience context about who is provoking the violence, and it doesn’t build people’s understanding of the world around them.
Moreover, it doesn’t provide context to the larger military operations that have developed from these events.
Click on the link and follow the instructions and you can send a letter of complaint to your MP, copied to the Department of Culture, Media and Sport and the BBC, asking them to raise these issues with the BBC Board. The BBC Board is accountable for all its activities.
If you haven’t used the IBA (Israel Britain Alliance) system before you need to add your first name, surname and email address on the first page.
On the next page, add your postcode and click “search” and the system will find the addresses associated with that postcode.
Click on your address and the system will automatically find your MP. You can't enter your MP's details manually. You can view and alter the text of the email.
Press “submit” and you’ll send the email to them.