Response to Avi Shlaim's Op-ed in Gaza

Response to Avi Shlaim's Op-ed in Gaza


On Monday, The Guardian published this opinion piece by Avi Shlaim’s on Gaza ( ). Regrettably, it is extremely tendentious.

The situation in Gaza is indeed a human tragedy where there has been unnecessary loss of life in three major conflicts in ten years. Everyday existence for Gazans is bleak.

But the culpability for Gaza's tragedy sits with its Hamas rulers - an Islamist terrorist group committed to destroying Israel, and who murdered their internal Fatah Palestinian opponents upon seizing power.

Israel wanted Gaza to have self-rule and be an economic success - it withdrew from Gaza unilaterally in 2005 and forced Israeli settlers to leave to try to advance the peace process.

There is only an Israeli, Egyptian and Palestinian Authority blockade of Gaza because Hamas is using every resource intended for civilians to build terror attack tunnels and missile arsenals - no such blockade exists of the Palestinians in the West Bank.

Israel has only carried out major military operations in Gaza when indiscriminate missile attacks by Hamas against Israeli civilians have reached intolerable levels of hundreds of missiles. Shlaim is dismissive of the missile attacks saying "Israel claimed to act in self-defence" as though the pounding of Israel's southern communities was irrelevant.

Shlaim's claim that Israel uses force as "first resort" is a lie - in every case Israel has shown restraint in the face of hugely provocative and dangerous missile attacks to a point far beyond what any other nation would tolerate before resorting to military responses.

Shlaim accuses Israel of collectively punishing Gazan civilians when in fact the IDF has gone to unprecedented lengths to try to avoid civilian casualties, despite Hamas’ best efforts to place its own civilians in harm's way - using schools, hospitals and mosques as bases.

He claims Israel are trying to "terrorise" Gazans into repudiating Hamas - but it’s actually Hamas that for 13 years has terrorised the people it governs - it is running a totalitarian regime

Shlaim says that Gaza is "the biggest open-door [sic] prison on Earth"

He's right

And Hamas are the guards.

- Luke Akehurst, Director of We Believe in Israel

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Israeli Politics

Elections have been called - Israel will go to the polls on the 9th of April. See the infographics from our upcoming Young We Believe in Israel pamphlet series below, giving you the basics about how the Israeli political system functions. 

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Briefing on Hezbollah


On 4th December, 2018 the IDF launched Operation `Northern Shield` with the intention of exposing and thwarting "cross border attack tunnels dug by the Hezbollah terror organisation"

In light of today's events, here is some useful material for providing context.


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The Apartheid Smear

See our infographic below from our upcoming series, exposing the false comparison between contemporary Israel and Apartheid South Africa.

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Airbnb's Double Standards

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New infographic - the apartheid smear

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign has as published an infographic falsely comparing Israel to the racist history of apartheid South Africa. Here's the truth about their allegations:


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New opinion poll on Israel includes finding that 38 per cent believe Jeremy Corbyn is an antisemite

A new opinion poll reveals that 38 per cent of people believe Jeremy Corbyn is an antisemite, while 25 per cent believe he is a committed campaigner against racism and antisemitism.
Populus surveyed a nationally representative sample of 2035 GB adults from 5-7 October 2018 on behalf of BICOM. The annual survey asks questions about countries in the Middle East with specific questions about trade, counterterrorism and support for a boycott of Israel. 
Each year the survey includes a new question on a topical issue and this year BICOM measured support for Jeremy Corbyn’s own explanations in light of accusations of antisemitism.


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BBC Bias campaign

Please sign up to the new campaign against BBC anti-Israel bias

The latest Israel Britain Alliance campaign, which we are supporting, is about BBC bias against Israel.

The BBC has a legal obligation to provide impartial news. In addition, its public purposes demand that it provides ‘information to help people understand and engage with the world around them’.
When it comes to Israel it often fails to do this. For example, coverage of the frequent rocket attacks that Israel faces from its southern border, during the two-year period up to August 2018.
The BBC reported that rockets had been fired into Israel on eight occasions. On just one occasion did the BBC correctly reference the chronology of events on the ground. In seven other reports the news item led with the Israeli military response, rather than the correct sequence of events, giving the impression to the audience that Israel had instigated the attacks.
Why is this important?
Because it doesn’t give the audience context about who is provoking the violence, and it doesn’t build people’s understanding of the world around them.
Moreover, it doesn’t provide context to the larger military operations that have developed from these events.
Click on the link and follow the instructions and you can send a letter of complaint to your MP, copied to the Department of Culture, Media and Sport and the BBC, asking them to raise these issues with the BBC Board. The BBC Board is accountable for all its activities.
If you haven’t used the IBA (Israel Britain Alliance) system before you need to add your first name, surname and email address on the first page.
On the next page, add your postcode and click “search” and the system will find the addresses associated with that postcode.
Click on your address and the system will automatically find your MP. You can't enter your MP's details manually. You can view and alter the text of the email.
Press “submit” and you’ll send the email to them.

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Government to ban Hezbollah political wing?

Thousands of We Believe in Israel supporters have written to their MPs in repeated campaigns over the last few years to call for the UK to ban the whole of the terrorist organisation Hezbollah, and end the absurdity where the UK bans its military wing but not its political wing. The latest news reports suggest such a ban is imminent:

We will let you know as soon as the Government does take action.

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