At We Believe in Israel, we refuse to let history be rewritten to serve ideological agendas. The deliberate omission of San Remo’s legal significance by L’Histoire is not just an academic scandal—it is an assault on historical truth and an attempt to delegitimise Israel’s existence.
San Remo was the legal moment when the Jewish right to self-determination was enshrined into international law. By erasing this crucial fact, L’Histoire is engaging in intellectual fraud, further enabling the institutionalised anti-Zionism that has plagued France’s education system for far too long.
This is not just about one article—this is about the systematic distortion of history, a weapon used against Israel and the Jewish people. And if we do not push back, if we do not demand accountability, these distortions will become accepted fact.
TAKE ACTION: Demand L’Histoire Correct the Record
WBII is launching a mass email campaign calling on L’Histoire to issue a full correction acknowledging its glaring omission of San Remo’s role in enshrining the Balfour Declaration into international law.
We are inviting our supporters to send a formal complaint to L’Histoire, demanding that they uphold their supposed commitment to historical accuracy. We have prepared an email template in both English and French for you to use.
👉 Use our template to contact L’Histoire and demand a correction
📍 Email Address for L’Histoire: [email protected]
❌ If we allow San Remo to be erased, we allow Israel’s legitimacy to be erased.
❌ If we do not challenge these distortions, they will be taught as fact to generations of students.
❌ If we remain silent, we enable the institutional bias that fuels anti-Zionism in France and beyond.
The war for truth is being fought now, in real time. Do not let them rewrite history.
📢 Join the fight. Send your email. Demand the truth. 📢
Subject: Urgent Request for Correction – Omission of Key Historical Facts in L’Histoire’s San Remo Coverage
Dear Editorial Team at L’Histoire,
I am writing to express my deep concern over your recent coverage of the San Remo Conference of 1920, in which your publication failed to include the most crucial outcome of this historic event: the enshrinement of the Balfour Declaration into international law, legally recognising the Jewish people’s right to self-determination in Palestine.
This omission is not a minor oversight but a fundamental distortion of history. As documented by leading historians and legal scholars, including Sir Martin Gilbert and Howard Grief, San Remo was the moment that transformed Jewish national rights from a political aspiration into a binding international legal commitment, later incorporated into the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine in 1922.
By failing to mention this, your publication has contributed to a revisionist narrative that erases a pivotal moment in Middle Eastern history. This is particularly troubling given L’Histoire’s influence in French academia, where it is considered essential reading for students and researchers.
I urge you to issue a formal correction, acknowledging the role of San Remo in the legal establishment of Jewish statehood. As a publication that claims to be committed to historical accuracy, it is your duty to uphold the integrity of the historical record, rather than distort it to fit ideological narratives.
I, along with many others, will be following closely to see how L’Histoire addresses this matter.
I look forward to your response.
[Your Name]
[Your Email]
[Your Organisation, if applicable]
Version Française
Objet : Demande de correction urgente – Omission des faits historiques clés dans la couverture de L’Histoire sur San Remo
Chère rédaction de L’Histoire,
Je vous écris pour exprimer ma profonde inquiétude quant à votre récent article sur la Conférence de San Remo de 1920, dans lequel votre publication omet l’élément clé de cet événement historique : l’intégration de la Déclaration Balfour dans le droit international, reconnaissant légalement le droit du peuple juif à l’autodétermination en Palestine.
Cette omission n’est pas une simple erreur, mais une distorsion fondamentale de l’histoire. Comme l’ont documenté d’éminents historiens et juristes, notamment Sir Martin Gilbert et Howard Grief, San Remo fut le moment où le droit national juif est passé d’une aspiration politique à un engagement juridique international contraignant, plus tard intégré au Mandat de la Société des Nations pour la Palestine en 1922.
En ne mentionnant pas cet élément essentiel, votre publication contribue à une réécriture révisionniste de l’histoire, effaçant un moment clé du Moyen-Orient. Cela est d’autant plus préoccupant que L’Histoire est une publication de référence dans le monde académique français, largement consultée par étudiants et chercheurs.
Je vous demande donc de publier une correction officielle, reconnaissant le rôle de San Remo dans l’établissement légal de l’État juif. En tant que publication engagée en faveur de la rigueur historique, il est de votre responsabilité de respecter la vérité historique plutôt que de la réécrire selon des narratifs idéologiques.
Je suivrai avec attention la manière dont L’Histoire répondra à cette demande et j’espère une clarification rapide de votre part.