President Abbas - Start talking, stop inciting

Despite the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, making it clear on numerous occasions in the last few years that he is ready to meet the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas as soon as possible, Abbas has shown no willingness to talk, but preferred to incite hatred against Israel. This undermines the prospects for peace, which require dialogue.

The position of the UK Government is to support the two-state solution. This requires a willingness from Israelis and Palestinians to negotiate with each other. Although Netanyahu has made it clear the Israeli Government is prepared to talk, the opposite is true of Abbas.

We are calling on our supporters to write to the new Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, to put direct pressure on Abbas to enter into discussions straight away with Mr Netanyahu and end incitement. We have provided a template message below, which you can personalise. If you receive any response, please could you forward it to us at [email protected].