Special Report: Hezbollah’s Legacy of Terror and Israel’s Right to Self-Defence


Special Report: Hezbollah’s Legacy of Terror and Israel’s Right to Self-Defence

Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed Shiite militia, has long cemented its place as one of the most dangerous and well-organised terrorist networks in the Middle East. Since its inception in the early 1980s, Hezbollah has operated with a singular, destructive purpose: the eradication of Israel. What began as a fringe militant group has metastasised into a sprawling, ruthless organisation, orchestrating terror not only in the region but across the globe. Over the decades, Hezbollah has targeted Western interests, Jewish communities, and—most egregiously—the state of Israel itself, all while operating with impunity.

The recent events surrounding the brutal attacks on Israel on October 7 have once again thrown Hezbollah’s true character into sharp relief. Without provocation and true to form, Hezbollah seized the opportunity to unleash fresh violence against Israel, hoping to further destabilise an already volatile region. This time, as ever, Hezbollah acted as an extension of Iran’s foreign policy—using its network to provoke and perpetuate chaos. Israel’s response, often unfairly characterised by its critics as disproportionate, was in fact an act of necessary self-defence. To frame it as anything less is to ignore the existential threat Hezbollah has posed to Israel for decades.

But while Hezbollah’s hatred for Israel is well-known, what is less frequently discussed—though no less tragic—is its stranglehold on Lebanon itself. The Lebanese people have long suffered under the yoke of this militant group. Hezbollah has hijacked Lebanon’s political, military, and economic structures, holding the country hostage while it wages its war of terror. Unlike Hamas in Gaza, which enjoys local support despite its brutality, Hezbollah is increasingly opposed by a large portion of the Lebanese population. Yet, the organisation’s grip on power is so entrenched that it has rendered the Lebanese people powerless to act.

Lebanon—a country once known for its religious pluralism and thriving culture—has been dragged into ruin by Hezbollah’s actions. The group’s political influence has corroded Lebanon’s democracy, and its militarisation of the state has turned Lebanon into little more than a staging ground for Iranian ambitions. The devastating 2020 Beirut port explosion stands as a horrific example of Hezbollah’s reckless disregard for civilian life. The ammonium nitrate that exploded, destroying large parts of the city and killing hundreds of civilians, was stored under Hezbollah’s watch, meant for weapons production. It was a catastrophe of Hezbollah’s making, and yet the Lebanese people were the ones left to pick up the pieces.

Meanwhile, the Lebanese economy is in freefall. Hyperinflation, energy shortages, and basic goods priced beyond reach are all the bitter fruits of Hezbollah’s rule. The group diverts state funds into its war machine, prioritising its military operations and its loyalty to Tehran over the wellbeing of Lebanon’s citizens. The Lebanese people are forced to live under economic and political duress, while Hezbollah uses their suffering to fund its endless wars. It is a situation that can no longer be ignored by the international community.

Hezbollah’s destruction is not limited to Lebanon. Its involvement in the Syrian Civil War, where it deployed thousands of fighters to prop up the Assad regime, has further exposed its regional ambitions. At Iran’s behest, Hezbollah has acted as a brutal enforcer in Syria, helping to crush opposition forces and turning Syria into yet another theatre of conflict. Its role in Syria is a continuation of its strategy in Lebanon—use violence to suppress dissent, prop up allies, and destabilise wherever it sees fit.

The time has come for the world to see Hezbollah for what it truly is: a terrorist organisation bent on regional dominance and the destruction of Israel. The Lebanese people—caught in the crossfire of this ideology of violence—deserve better than to live under the rule of a group that prioritises terror over the welfare of its own countrymen. For too long, the international community has turned a blind eye to Hezbollah’s activities, content to let the group operate in the shadows. But the reality is stark: Hezbollah is not just a threat to Israel; it is a threat to stability in the entire Middle East, and its existence continues to erode any hope of peace in the region.

Israel’s actions in defending itself are not only justified but essential to confronting this menace. In the face of Hezbollah’s aggression, Israel has every right to strike back with precision and force. The international community, meanwhile, must recognise the perverse nature of Hezbollah—its exploitation of Lebanon, its destabilisation of the region, and its unrelenting campaign against Israel. To ignore this reality any longer is to allow Hezbollah to continue its stranglehold on both Lebanon and the broader Middle East.

It is time for the world to act decisively, to take meaningful steps against Hezbollah, and to understand that the future of both Lebanon and regional stability depends on dismantling this violent organisation. The Lebanese people deserve a future free from the chains of Hezbollah’s tyranny, and the international community has a moral duty to help achieve that future.


Timeline: Hezbollah’s Campaign of Violence Against the West and Israel

Hezbollah’s history is a dark and bloody one, littered with attacks on civilians, kidnappings, and bombings that have killed and maimed indiscriminately. Its willingness to strike at both Western and Israeli targets has made it one of the most feared and despised terror groups operating today. A brief look at some of its key atrocities should suffice to remind us of its true nature:




  • 1992: Hezbollah bombed the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires, killing 29 people. This was the first major international attack against an Israeli target, marking Hezbollah’s expansion of its terror campaign beyond the Middle East.





Hezbollah’s actions speak for themselves. Time and again, it has targeted civilians, operated with impunity, and shown no regard for human life.


Hezbollah’s Crimes Against UK Nationals and Western Interests

The United Kingdom has not been spared from Hezbollah’s violent reach. Throughout the 1980s, Hezbollah was responsible for the kidnapping of several British nationals in Lebanon, including the journalist John McCarthy and the Church of England envoy Terry Waite. These individuals were held for years in appalling conditions, used as bargaining chips in Hezbollah’s broader campaign against the West. More recently, Hezbollah’s extensive financial networks, including those operating within the UK, have funded its terrorist operations through drug smuggling and money laundering schemes.

Recognising the threat Hezbollah poses, the UK officially designated the entirety of Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation in 2019. This was a necessary step, long overdue, as Hezbollah’s malign influence has only grown, both within Lebanon and across the globe.

At the core of Hezbollah’s existence lies an uncompromising commitment to Israel’s destruction. It is not an organisation driven by national interests or legitimate grievances but by a fanatical hatred of the Jewish state. Since its formation, Hezbollah’s leadership has made no secret of its desire to obliterate Israel. Backed by Iran, the group has amassed an arsenal of rockets, missiles, and fighters, with the sole purpose of inflicting death and destruction upon Israeli civilians.

Hezbollah’s use of Lebanese civilians as human shields, its embedding of weaponry in schools, homes, and hospitals, and its utter disregard for international law are not incidental. These are deliberate strategies designed to escalate conflict while maximising civilian casualties on both sides.

Iran’s Influence and Hezbollah’s Hijacking of Lebanon

Hezbollah’s stranglehold on Lebanon extends far beyond mere military operations. This Iranian-backed militia has hijacked Lebanon’s political and economic systems, holding a significant portion of the population hostage to its violent agenda. Unlike Hamas in Gaza, which enjoys broad local support, Hezbollah faces considerable internal opposition. Many Lebanese citizens want nothing to do with the organisation’s extremist tactics, but Hezbollah’s deep entrenchment within the nation’s power structures means that the people remain trapped under its grip.

One of the most devastating consequences of Hezbollah’s reckless governance was the 2020 Beirut port explosion, a disaster that ranks among the worst in Lebanon’s history. The explosion, triggered by ammonium nitrate stored for years under Hezbollah’s watchful eye, obliterated vast parts of the city, killing over 200 civilians and reducing the port to ruins. This catastrophe was no accident but a result of Hezbollah’s utter disregard for civilian life, storing materials designed for weapons in the heart of a civilian area. The group’s obsession with its war efforts led directly to this avoidable tragedy.

Economically, Hezbollah has dragged Lebanon into near-total collapse. The country now grapples with soaring inflation, crippling energy shortages, and basic goods priced beyond the reach of the average citizen. Much of this economic devastation can be traced back to Hezbollah’s control over Lebanon’s resources. The group syphons off state funds to fuel its military ambitions, leaving the people to bear the brunt of their ruinous policies. As ordinary Lebanese struggle to afford food, fuel, and medicine, Hezbollah continues to “tax” these scarce resources to finance its wars abroad, sinking the nation deeper into despair and misery.

This is a group that does not govern; it exploits. It thrives on Lebanon’s suffering while pushing the country ever closer to collapse. The opposition from within Lebanon is understandable, but Hezbollah’s chokehold has left the people powerless to resist. The group’s allegiance lies not with Lebanon’s future but with Iran’s regional ambitions, and the cost is being borne by the Lebanese people.

Hezbollah’s Systematic Oppression and Repression of Religious Minorities

Hezbollah’s stranglehold on Lebanon extends far beyond military operations and political manipulation—it encompasses a systematic oppression of religious minorities within the country. Backed by Iran, Hezbollah has entrenched itself within Lebanon's power structures, wielding influence not only through violence but also by promoting a narrow sectarian agenda that marginalises and represses the country’s diverse religious communities.

Lebanon, a country historically known for its religious pluralism, has long been home to a delicate balance of various Christian, Muslim, Druze, and other minority groups. However, under Hezbollah’s dominance, this fragile coexistence has been increasingly undermined. The group’s Shia Islamist ideology, driven by Iran’s regional ambitions, seeks to impose its religious and political agenda at the expense of Lebanon’s once-thriving religious diversity. Hezbollah’s presence and control have created a climate of fear, discrimination, and marginalisation for those who do not subscribe to its extremist worldview.

Christian communities, once an integral and prominent part of Lebanon’s political and social fabric, have found themselves increasingly sidelined and silenced. Hezbollah’s rise has diminished their political influence, and many Christian leaders who once played significant roles in Lebanon’s governance have either been coerced into silence or have seen their power eroded. These communities, facing both political and physical intimidation, now live under the constant threat of Hezbollah’s repressive tactics.

The Druze community, known for its independence and unique religious identity, has also faced targeted repression. Hezbollah’s attempts to dominate Lebanon's internal affairs have often come at the cost of this small but significant religious minority. The group’s operations in Druze-dominated areas, coupled with political coercion, have made it increasingly difficult for the Druze to maintain their cultural and political autonomy.

Beyond political repression, religious minorities in Hezbollah-controlled areas face systematic discrimination and harassment. In regions where Hezbollah exerts significant control, religious minorities are often subject to coercion, with reports of forced conversions, discrimination in access to resources, and harassment based on their religious identity. This sectarian stranglehold suffocates not only the political rights of these communities but also their religious freedoms.

Hezbollah’s role in repressing Lebanon’s religious minorities has further exacerbated the nation’s descent into economic ruin. Many minorities, having lost both political representation and economic opportunity, have seen their ability to thrive diminished. Meanwhile, Hezbollah continues to exploit state resources for its war efforts and agendas dictated by Tehran. Religious minorities, along with the broader Lebanese population, are being economically crippled by Hezbollah’s corrupt and parasitic control.

Lebanon’s once vibrant religious diversity has become a shadow of its former self under Hezbollah’s reign of terror. The group’s systematic oppression of minorities is not just a political calculation but an assault on the very fabric of Lebanese society. Lebanon, which was once seen as a beacon of pluralism in the Arab world, is now fractured and weakened, with entire communities marginalised and oppressed by a regime that views diversity as a threat.

This repression is not limited to Lebanon’s borders. Hezbollah’s involvement in Syria’s civil war, at the behest of Iran, has been equally brutal towards religious minorities, particularly the Christian and Sunni populations in Syria. Hezbollah’s fighters, acting as Iran’s enforcers, have participated in the violent suppression of Sunni communities resisting the Assad regime, with entire villages depopulated and sectarian violence ravaging the country. The fate of religious minorities in Syria mirrors the dark reality faced by Lebanon’s own communities under Hezbollah’s influence.

Hezbollah’s oppression of Lebanon’s religious minorities is emblematic of its broader ideological agenda: to reshape Lebanon into a sectarian stronghold that aligns with Iran’s geopolitical ambitions. In doing so, Hezbollah is dismantling the foundations of Lebanon’s pluralism, leaving a country deeply divided and its people oppressed, fearful, and uncertain about the future.

Hezbollah’s Unprovoked Aggression After October 7

The group’s most recent campaign of violence began in the immediate aftermath of the atrocities committed against Israel on October 7. Without any provocation, Hezbollah launched a series of attacks against Israeli towns and military positions along the northern border. This was not an act of self-defence; it was an opportunistic strike, exploiting Israel’s moment of vulnerability following the attacks by Hamas.

Hezbollah’s leadership, emboldened by Iranian support, sought to ignite a second front in an already fragile region. By doing so, Hezbollah demonstrated once again that it has no interest in peace, no regard for the lives of civilians, and no intention of allowing Israel to exist in security.

Faced with these unprovoked attacks, Israel has acted with remarkable restraint and precision. Far from the indiscriminate military response its critics so often decry, Israel’s latest strikes against Hezbollah have been targeted, measured, and entirely in line with international law. Israel’s decision to target Hezbollah’s communications infrastructure—crippling the group’s ability to coordinate further attacks—was a necessary and legitimate act of self-defence.

Those who accuse Israel of disproportionate force must be reminded that Hezbollah is not a conventional military force but a terrorist organisation that operates with impunity from within civilian areas. Israel’s strikes are designed not to punish but to protect—to prevent further bloodshed by dismantling Hezbollah’s capacity for violence.

The Global Implications of Israel’s Defensive Strikes

Israel’s actions in recent weeks have not just been about defending its own borders. They have also sent a clear message to Hezbollah’s backers in Tehran and Damascus: aggression against Israel will not be tolerated. The precision of these strikes, and the restraint shown in avoiding civilian casualties, has demonstrated once again that Israel is not just a regional power but a responsible actor on the global stage.

For Arab states watching from the sidelines, many of whom are now tentatively normalising relations with Israel, this operation has likely reinforced Israel’s position as a reliable and necessary ally in a region plagued by instability. Hezbollah’s provocations, rather than uniting the Arab world in opposition to Israel, have only further exposed the group’s recklessness and the futility of its campaign against a sovereign state.

Hezbollah’s long history of violence and its relentless aggression against Israel leave no room for doubt: this is not a group seeking peace or reconciliation. It is a terrorist organisation that thrives on conflict, driven by an ideology of hatred. Israel’s response to Hezbollah’s latest attacks is not only justified but necessary. It is a clear exercise of the right to self-defence, a right enshrined in international law and essential to Israel’s survival.

Whilst the loss of innocent lives is always a source of profound sorrow and must be avoided at all costs, the brutal realities of war often make this tragically unavoidable. But let us not forget where the blame truly lies. It is not with those defending their homeland but with those who seek to weaponise civilian lives, sacrificing them at the altar of their revolting ideology. Hezbollah’s continued use of human shields and its cynical exploitation of civilians is a moral crime of the highest order.

Let us not be swayed by the morally bankrupt arguments of those who would cast Israel as the aggressor. The facts are clear. Hezbollah has chosen the path of violence, and Israel, as any nation would, has responded to protect its people. Anything less would be a dereliction of its duty to defend its citizens and ensure the safety of its borders.